MSc.: Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Technical University of Sofia (2011).
PhD: Knowledge and technology transfer from public financed organization (2016).
Position: Project manager at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Research Expertise: Technology transfer, exploitation and commercialization of research results. Tsvetelina Yorgova is experienced in intellectual property management and innovation.
Projects: Coordinator or project leader of more than 15 projects. Coordinator of Centre of Competence MIRACle “Mechatronics, Innovation, Robotic, Automation and Clean Technologies”, a 12 MEuro grant.
Selected Publications:
Tsvetelina Yorgova, “Broker of innovation” – 4 International Leuphana conference on Entrepreneurship (LCE 2014; Lueneburg, Germany, January 16-17.2014); Conference proceeding
Rumen Andreev, Tsvetelina Yorgova “Agent oriented view to construction of innovation environment: Technology transfer office; Proceeding of the international conference on application of information and communication technology and statistics in economy and education ICAICTSEE-2013; ISBN 978-954-644-586-5, p.527
Book chapter: Rumen Andreev, Daniela Borissova, Alexander Shikalanov, Tsvetelina Yorgova: Model-Driven Design of eMedia: Virtual Technology Transfer Office