Participation in the Event: “Build with AI Day”

We participated in the event “Build with AI” in the city of Plovdiv. The event is a unique collaboration between AI Cluster Bulgaria, GDG Plovdiv and the Technical University – Sofia, branch Plovdiv. Supported by the mayor Mrs. Ventsislava Lubenova of District North of Plovdiv Municipality, this event promised to be a milestone for AI and tech development in our community. The day was filled with insightful lectures, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities.

The event presented the latest achievements in the field of AI and machine learning developed by Google, as well as innovative methods and technologies, thanks to the new Laboratory of Neural Technologies at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Highlights of the program:

  • Lectures by internationally recognized experts, including Assoc. Prof. Dimiter Prodanov, leader of the VIBraTE project, who shared the latest discoveries in neural technologies and the possibilities of interaction between the brain and artificial intelligence.
  • Meeting with AI Cluster and GDG Plovdiv, where participants were able to learn more about the opportunities for cooperation and development in the field of AI.
  • Networking cocktail and Build with AI 101 workshop offered practical knowledge and skills for using AI technologies.


Whether you were an experienced developer, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply intrigued by the vast possibilities AI offers, AI Day was the event you would not want to miss.

The event take place on Friday, 15.03.2024, from 09:15 in the Auditorium of the Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch.

Source: linkedin