Galia Angelova
MSc.: Faculty of Maths and Mechanics, Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski” (1979).
PhD: Computer & Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences MTA SZTAKI (1988).
Doctor of Sciences: Bulgarian High Attestation Commission (2010).
Position: Professor in Computer Science at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Research Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing with strong inclination towards building practical applications. Galia Angelova initiated the first activities in automatic processing of clinical patient records in Bulgarian language, together with medical experts from the University Specialised Hospital for Active Treatment of Endocrinology (USHATE), Medical University Sofia. In 2015 the group generated automatically a National Diabetes Register, based on more than 300 mln outpatient records submitted to the Bulgarian National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). Today the Register is hosted by USHATE and updated yearly with information extracted automatically from NHIF outpatient records for the respective year.
Projects: Coordinator or principal investigator of more than 25 projects. Coordinator of AComIn “Advanced Computing for Innovation” (2012-2016), a 3.2 MEuro grant with the European Commission, FP7 Capacity, included in the European Commission’s book “Achievements of FP7: examples that make us proud“.
Selected publications:
Boytcheva, S., G. Angelova, Z. Angelov, D. Tcharaktchiev. Mining comorbidity patterns using retrospective analysis of big collection of outpatient records, Health information science and systems 5, 1-9, 2017.
Dicheva, D., C. Dichev, G. Agre, G. Angelova. Gamification in education: A systematic mapping study. Journal of educational technology & society 18 (3), 75-88, 2015.
Tchraktchiev, D., G. Angelova, S. Boytcheva, Z. Angelov, S. Zacharieva. Completion of structured patient descriptions by semantic mining. Patient safety informatics, 260-269, IOS Press, 2011.